Monday, October 19, 2009


Posted by fatiq at 10:51 AM
As usual..i set my alarm clock at 4.3oa.m for my subuh i am soo LIATT to woke up....soo..i juz off my alarm n continue my dream until 6’s late u know!hoho..
Soo..i have to rush before the subuh prayer is over..huhu...*kusyuk tyme*heheh
Then..i have my bath its still early..soo..i continue my sleep until 7 oclock..arrgghh!sumpah aku mls nk bgn..n sgt mls nk g kuliah..but..i have to go oke..sob3..fatiq!jgn mls2 oke..
Oke...bout 7.25 everything is done completely with my breakfast..juz a simple meal..
A slice of bread with serunding n orange juice..erkk..bilhana wasshifa’(sy dah kenyang)..hehe..
Then..i called nini...”nini..jomm!!” usual n usual..n again n again..nini suddenly said...”maghos la..”hahaha..diz word is very familiar among KIBA students..manghos=saket perot yg nk berak tue..hahaha..soo..i need to wait for her..while waiting n sal transferred our paper work to was soo clumsy..byk bnde tol nk knew at..n nini still with her ‘project’..hahaha...
But!!ouh no!its already 7.40..OMG..i guess i will late today as my lecture starts at 8 o’clock...n its soo weird for me to come late..n one more thing,i don’t want to sit at the back..No!no!no!..simpang malaikat 44 oke..huhu..
Ouh..damn!! Lift is damnly pack n slow..almaklumla..peak tyme..huhuhu..after 5 minutes,and yet the lift still stuck at 4th floor..soo..without my pleasure,i going downstairs from 7th floor..waaa!!!tp oke la..bez pe...xpnt lgsg la..
Hahaha..then..i have my walk for about 10 minutes i n so exhausted..but luckily...the middle first row still emptied..but the second n third row is already ne tue..??wakaka..soo..juz chilled n sit at the first row..Lagipon..bkn kah bgs dok di hdpn..bak kte org..sume ilmu yg lecturer bg akn zooppp masok dlm pale otak kite without any barrier or obstacle..hahaha..
Cess..poyo sggh cik fatiq nh ea..haha..
Oke..diz is our schedule for today..
8am-9am (medical terminology)
9am -10am (medical ethics)..
12pm-2pm(study skill practical)
2pm-4pm(biostatistic practical)
Kalo nk tau..stu kebagusan alex nh..lecturer dy masok lambt..tpp..kls mmg on tyme abez..nh yg aku ske gle ttg study kt sni nh..hahaha..
Tpkan..stu lg ‘kebagusan’ nyer...da la xbg kitorg bku ag..soo..we need to copy all the notes during lecture sambel nk dgr dorg ckp ag yg slang dy cm Bi+arab ngan ckp laju ag...n nk phm kn ag..kirenye..mmg xsmpt nk salen sume la....da la byk kowt..hoho..act,we don’t have to worry as all the notes are all in alexmed,leceh kowt nk bkk web tue lg..nk save n nk print ag..ooh!xde keja aku nk wat tue sume..
Tp..seyesly tyme medical terminology td mmg bisur’ah awi awi giddan giddan(cepat nk mampos la mcm kilat di ibratk cm nini lari nk g toilet)..huhu..
Oke..abaikan bende tue sume..skrg aku nk cte pe yg blaku within gap 2 hours dr kol 10 smpai la kol 12.act..ari nh kitorg ade presentation..soo,dr x wat pape..baek dok kt IT lab.check punye check..rupe2 nye kitorg x save power point dlm pendrive..krenye bnde tue ade dlm laptop ijah..ohh mann!!parah la cm kowt nk blek umah..kalo dekat xpe la..nh mau dlm 1 to 2 km ea ker.,.??haha..ntah!mcm lebey je ag..soo,by hook or by crook,kne la balek tok ambek..soo,aku,ijah n sal balek la..nini stay kt sne cuz die nk edit ketas keja n blablabla..
Then smpai la umah..tpp..there is one prob..huhu..kelas kol 12 n zohor kol 11.45..let say solat dlm 5-8 minit siap ngan pakai tudung sume..soo,myb dah kol 11.52 la..then kalo nk jalan kaki ag,myb dlm 10-15 minit..soo..dah kol 12.o3..kirenye..kitorg da lmbt..tpp.kalo nk solat kt U,leceh plak..
Da la kecek..sesak plak tue..aduyaiii..soo,nak xnak solat je kt umah..
Then terpakse la g U naek teksi for da first tyme..haha..2 genih oo..oke la kowt..asalkn smpat sampai.. lets talk about presentation..emm...aku sgt frust oo...bru mangat nk xsmpat..juz 3 group je smpat wat..huhuk...mmg sumpah frust la..da la aku nh jenis ssh nk kuar present..ble da mangat,xdpt peluang xpe..myb nex tyme kowt..
Oke..nh satu ag cte mnarek but pelek..tyme practical class biostatistic..tetbe ade sorg doctor arab da agak tua myb aroud 30 above masok kelas kitorg n dok blakang..ingt kn die myb org besar n nk tgk care lecture aku ajar ker..rupe2 nye..die tue da jd doctor n nak continue PHd dy..soo,dy kne masok class blek n blaja all da first year subject..oohh bapak ar.. sumpah bosan..oh no!!!cbe bygkn kalo aku yg da 18 taon nh masok tadika n blaja ABC blek..can u imagine..??!can u..??!
Afte class.aku,nini n wanie g mkn spagetty kt taverna..8 genih n half=rm5.10..
Oke la..berbaloi gak..da la byk n agak sedap..smpai xlarat nk mkn..
Then,on my way back home..ade penimbg berat la tepi jalan..soo pe ag..jomm tmbg!!!..hahaha..mane la tau berat da turun ker..hehe..tpp..nk tmbg pon kne byr segenih..ish3..kerek tol..n nak tau berat aku bpe......tuuuuuuuutttttttt......
Ces!same je cm dlu..x turun2 pon..nh yg xmo mkn da afte nh..hahaha..soo,aku n nini da decide nk wat cm rncg THE BIGGEST LOSE WEIGHT..hahaha..kitorg nk tgk sape plg byk turun berat dlm mase sebulan..hahah..agak2..sape akn menang..??or ke due2 akn kalah..??emmm..juz wait n,nini ajak ckp jap g cuz perot aku still full..kang muntah plak kang..haru je..
Malangnye..ari nh rezeki aku murah...mira soh aku abes kn nasi grg die..bak kte org..rezeki jgn ditolak..btol x.??hahahaha..soo,pe ag..mkn la!hehe..

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