Tuesday, October 27, 2009

as usual....

Posted by fatiq at 11:29 AM
hari nh x g memane..
besala...ari nh section 1 n 2 lgsg xde kelas..wee..
kesian section laen kne g kelas..
kitorg plak bez2 lepak umah..
tp xpe..
sok sume org xde kelas..
study tyme cuz lusa exam..
aku da ready ke nh..??huhu..
act xbpe..
byk ag xbce n byk gak yg da bce tp lupe..
soo..kire x de beza la..
bce x bce same je..waa!!!
help me!!!!
tp..exam nh juz 29 questions n in 30 minutes only..
hope soklan die bkn through slide..
xbez oo!!ssh nk focus n nk pk..
exam nh penteng gak cuz carry mark tok final..
n even soklan die sket..tp byk kne bce..
ethics,medical terminology,study skill,H1N1,n biostatistics..
med terminology da la byk..lebey 100 term kne hafal..
nh bru permulaan je..
cm ne la nk menghadapi after nh..
mesti lg parah nk hafal..
hope aku x gila la..
soo..jd la cm kengkwn aku...
dorg study,study gak..
tp..dorg nh cm2 ragam la.,.
ade yg addicted ngan cte korea la...conan la..
yang jd gamers pon ade..
sape png aku tgk dorg..n of cuz aku xmo addicted dgn bende2 cm tue..
on9 tue xyah kte la..
sume kaki on9..
heeheh..da nh je yg kitorg ley wat sementare still ade mase nh..huhu..
kol 4.45ptg..
bru aku jejak kn kaki kt luar..kalo x dok bilik je la..
act kuar pon sbb nk beli topup..
kdt habes oo..
dok kt sni..sehari 10 genih kdt abz..
xpon 20 genih..hahahaha..
tpp,oke je..
naseb bek ade duet ag..
kowt la ade duet..hopefully cukup la..
afte balek je..
tgk2 dorg ngah potong2 kentang sume..
ready tok masak..
i love cooking..
tp..ble aku nmpk kntg..tros kte kt dorg..
jom wat wedges!haha..
abez kntg tok mskdalam sup aku cilok tok wat wedges aku..
xkesa la..sbb bende tue sdp n konpem laku nnt..hehehe..
smpai menjadi igauan tyme kt KIBA dlu..haha..
ea ke..??perasan je aku nh..hehe
pe yg aku wat sepanjang kt umah juz study,smbg2,mkn2,n tido..
tp..tido jap je..
huhu..n kol bpe la aku nk tido nh..
now da kol 11.15mlm..
ingat nk stay up mlm nh..
hopefully berjye la..
aku even dok umah xwat pape,,
tp input pe yg aku bce juz 30% je..
oh mann!!!!aku kne increase kn eficiency nh..hahaha..
tetbe lapa plak td..
pdhal da mkn byk da dinner..
sooo..aku pon wat la roti telor..
juz for me n iejah..
ohh fatiq..maken gemok la ko afte nh..
cuak babe!
tp xpe la..
myb penat blaja..
lgpon..my encephalo needs energy to work at the bez!

sorie sbb x msg ari nh..kdt xde..n topup pon lmbt..
tp xpe..boley la berindu-rinduan kn..??

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